The Principles of Management
spContent=Our course, Principles of Management, is an updated version based on The Premium Course Principles of Management for International Students in China which was granted by China’s Ministry of Education in 2016. Something new has been incorporated, such as moral, ethical and ideological ideas which we believe must go hand in hand with the technical subjects in the course. Also we tried to add some cases of Chinese firms, such as Alibaba, Da Jiang Innovations etc. to better illustrate the principles as found in the process of managerial process. This course, centering around the four functions, namely, planning, organizing, leading and controlling, tells how managerial process can be optimized and for that matter, how objectives can be realized, by managing efficiently and effectively.
—— 课程团队

Why this course?

One of the most important human activities is managing. Ever since people began forming groups to accomplish aims they could not achieve as individuals, the building of the Pyramid is a case in point.  In a world that is torn between globalization on the one hand and Covid-19 on the other, group effort has been all the more valued, and hence the task of managers has been rising in importance. Managing has been essential not only in the organizations that we are with, but has penetrated into every aspect of our life; anything from managing our time to managing our relationship with our friends. In one word, management is universal, existing in all aspects of our life. It is our hope and our belief that this course will help you to a higher social ladder.

  To be more specific, we aim to help you:

1.   Develop a systemic mastery of the whole body of knowledge about management, and its mind-set ,as well as  the capacity of discovering problems and solutions. `

2.   Nurture three capitals which are necessary for a manager to manage across borders, ie.,the intelligent, psychological, and social capitals.

3.   Promote English language excellence among Chinese students in international organizations.

Characteristically, we tried to include in this course as many Chinese cases as possible, with the purpose that international students will have a better insight into China and Chinese students will learn how to introduce Chinese business firms across cultures.

So join us, right now!

  1. Stephen P. Robbins, Management,12th ed, Tsinghua University Press, Febr, 2018.

  2. Chen Chuanming, Management, 1st edHigher Education Press, 2019. 

  3. Richard L. Daft, Understanding Management , 10th ed, China Machine Press.