—— 课程团队

Pathophysiology is a subject to explore the rule of origin and evolution of disease processes and the underlying mechanisms. It is a professional core curriculum for students of clinical medicine, oral medicine, nursing, preventive medicine and pharmacology.The study of Pathophysiology is an essential introduction to clinical medicine and serves as a bridge between the basic medical science and clinical medicine. It enables the students, clinicians and other practitioners to understand why and how diseases develop and various clinical manifestations appear, the underlying molecular mechanisms, and in so doing devise rational therapeutics. Students should be the center of pathophysiology teaching, clinical competence should be the orientation, and the improved comprehensive quality of medical students should be the teaching objective. 

Knowledge objectives: to grasp the concept of disease, pathophysiological changes; To be familiar with the etiology, pathogenesis, function and metabolic changes of diseases; to Understand the prevention and treatment principles of diseases.

Ability objective: To emphasize the connection between theory and practice, disease and clinic, have the ability to make correct diagnosis and can explain the clinical manifestations according to cases.

Quality objective:To have the ability of independent learning and scientific thinking using dialectical thinking and philosophical thinking and can correctly deal with the the relationship of body and environment, damage and anti-damage, part and the whole.To chain the medical career ideals of  "curing people with benevolence "and "medicine is humane art" .
