学校云 建设你的专属在线教育平台
—— 课程团队



      The course Introducing China in English shows a panorama of the Chinese culture. By describing the lives of the philosophers Confucius and Laozi, the teaching team unveils the main Chinese philosophical principles. Then it moves to the ideograms as well as several methods of Chinese writing. The teaching team  highlights how the Chinese calendar works, reveals the main traditional festivals and describes the Chinese culinary culture. The topic of traditional Chinese wedding focuses a number of rites called "three letters and six rites", the complicated processes from proposal to celebration of marriage in ancient China. Cheongsam or Qipao”, the women’s traditional dress, is still worn today, and gives us an insight of Chinese fashion and aesthetics. We then discover the arts and crafts of paper through the presentation of this deeply rooted craftsmanship. The course also show us the Chinese architecture: through the Forbidden City, the teaching team presents the symbolism associated with construction such as the art of Feng Shui, yin and yang, the eight trigrams, etc. The  MOOC looks into Peking Opera through its codes; discover such as the four main roles in the Chinese classic operas, the meaning of facial make-up and the four artistic skills that are speaking, singing, dancing and wrestling on stage. The course follows on traditional Chinese medicine, based on the theory of a balance between Yin and Yang, and a harmonious relationship between man and nature. The last two units deal with traditional Chinese painting from the pottery of the Yangshao civilization (5000 BC) to the present days. The exploration of kung-fu, its philosophy and schools, will end the course.

成绩 要求

为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。


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