Quantitative Information Analysis
spContent=This is a world of quantitative information analysis (QIA) specially designed for students from Library and Information Science, and related fields. The four lecturers of this course, including Professor Jiang LI from Nanjing University, Professor Lin ZHANG from Wuhan University, Dr Chao MIN from Nanjing University, and Dr Yi BU from Peking University, have overseas degrees or research experiences and are outstanding scholars in the field of QIA. By learning this course, you are expected to learn basic techniques of quantitative information analysis, such as correlation and causality, text mining, the design of indicators, etc. If you have any questions during the study process, please do not hesitate to contact the teaching assistant Mr Zhenyue Zhao at njujack@163.com.
—— 课程团队

This is a wonderful course that will bring you to the world of quantitative information analysis. By learning this course, you are expected to acquire the basics in Information Science and Data Science, and the techniques in quantitative information analysis. Then, you will be qualified for both business work and research tasks involving data analysis. The content of this course features a strong connection with the practice of academic research. Each method is exemplified using a published academic paper to better prepare the participants for doing their own academic research.


The aim of this course is equipping students in Library & Information Science and other Social Sciences/Humanities with essential knowledge and skills in analyzing quantitative information.


Basics on calculus, linear algebra and statistics.


Please complete the quizzes and the assignments before 25 June, 2021, after you watch the videos. The scores you get from the quizzes will amount to the final score determining the certificate of completion.