spContent=你想零基础学Android (安卓)开发?你想通过Android(安卓)手机App点流水灯?你想在Android手机上控制家电?这是一门专为电子硬件爱好者准备的Android(安卓)零基础开发课程,基于Android10(Q),在这里你将学到如何通过Android App操纵硬件,如何扩展硬件的边界,发挥你的想象力,打造属于你的Android移动应用,Android 智能硬件移动互联无限可能! This is an Android zero-based development course specially prepared for electronic hardware enthusiasts, based on Android10 (Q), here you will learn how to manipulate hardware through Android App, how to expand the boundaries of hardware. Use your imagination to create your own Android mobile applications!
—— 课程团队


 课程采用Android Studio3.5.3、HUAWEI DevEco Studio 3.0为开发工具,内容包括Android开发环境搭建、布局管理、Activity、常见UI控件、Android程序调试、蓝牙通信、Socket通信、NFC等知识与技能。


This course is a zero-based Android application development course for electronic information majors or electronic enthusiasts and makers. This is a unique Android application development course, based on Android10(Q) , the most " hard-core " course, aiming at building hardware applications , and describing the necessary skills and knowledge for Android hardware application development .

 The course uses Android Studio 3.5.3 and HUAWEI DevEco Studio 3.0 as development tools, including Android development environment construction, layout management, Activity, common UI controls, Android program debugging, Bluetooth communication, Socket communication, NFC and other knowledge and skills.

 This course has helped many students master Android development technology, complete graduation projects, and even find Android development jobs. This course provides rich and first-class online teaching services . The course has QQ group, WeChat public account , discussion area, etc. There are teachers and seniors in the group to answer questions , and you can also apply for remote assistance to answer your questions in a timely manner! As long as you are willing to learn, teach until you can!



Master basic Android application development knowledge and skills.



In the design process of this course, try to be able to understand and learn from the zero foundation , and demonstrate the operation process hand-in-hand, from the new Android project to the coding of the whole process.



In the process of making this course, I have referred to a large number of Android books and various materials, and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to them! Special thanks to the following documents. If there is any omission, please correct it!

【1】黑马程序员. Android移动应用基础教程(Android Studio 第2版)[M]. 中国铁道出版社, 2019.

【2】刘凡馨,夏帮贵. Android移动应用开发基础教程(微课版)[M]. 人民邮电出版社, 2018.

【3】赖红. 基于工作任务的Android应用教程[M]. 电子工业出版社, 2014.

【4】李刚. 疯狂Android讲义.第4版[M]. 电子工业出版社, 2019.

【5】郭霖. 第一行代码(第二版)[M]. 人民邮电出版社, 2016.

【6】Android开发者官网 .


Q :  我不是电子信息专业,也不是计算机专业的,没有任何编程基础,我能通过本课程学会Android开发吗?

I'm not an electronic information major, nor a computer major. I don't have any programming foundation. Can I learn Android development through this course?

A :  本课程尽量从零基础的角度来设计课程,已有不少零基础的同学通过本课程学会了Android应用开发,包括中学生,我相信你也可以!

This course is designed as far as possible from the perspective of zero foundation. Many students with zero foundation have learned Android application development through this course, including middle school students. I believe you can do the same!

Q :  学习Android应该学Android Studio还是App Inventor?

Should I learn Android Studio or App Inventor?

A :  Android Studio是谷歌官方推荐的开发环境,使用Java或Kotlin开发,在企业一般使用 Android Studio开发App。App Inventor是面向业余开发者的积木式的开发环境,在企业项目中基本不用。Android Studio本身难度也不大,强烈建议大学生学习专业的Android Studio

Android Studio is a development environment officially recommended by Google, which is developed using Java or Kotlin. In enterprises, Android Studio is generally used to develop apps. App Inventor is a building block development environment for amateur developers, which is basically not used in enterprise projects. Android Studio itself is not difficult, so it is strongly recommended that college students learn professional Android Studio.

Q :  我看到课程的时候已经开课了,我们还能加入学习吗?

When I saw the course, it had already started. Can we still join in the study?

A :  本课程完全开放,课程结束依然可以查看课程,您可以随时加入学习,不用担心学到一半课程关闭。

This course is completely open, and you can still view the course after the course is completed. You can join the study at any time, without worrying about closing the course half way through.