Engineering Hydrology
spContent=Engineering hydrology is a basic course for Hydraulic Engineering and Water-related major. It applies basic theories and methods of hydrology to water conservancy project. This course can improve the multidisciplinary integration ability and innovative thinking of students.
—— 课程团队

Engineering Hydrology is a foundational course for Hydraulic Engineering and Water-related Engineering majors that theoretically and technically combines the experiences of water-related project. It applies fundamental theories and methods of hydrology to the construction and management of water-related projects. The course is taught by three professors from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The teaching objective of the course is to help students understand the basic principles of hydrological cycle and water balance through relevant teaching activities, master the hydrological information collection and processing, calculation of watershed production and confluence, hydrological statistics, design the annual runoff computing and designing techniques and methods for flood calculation, hydrological forecasting, and reservoir operation, and explore new applications of space science and information technology in the development of Engineering Hydrology. The goal of this course is to enhance students' innovative thinking ability in multidisciplinary integration. 


To make the students understand the basic principle of water cycle and water balance, grasp the hydrology information acquisition and processing, watershed runoff calculation, design of hydrological statistics, annual flow calculation, the design flood calculation, hydrological forecast, technology and methods of the reservoir scheduling, and explore the space science and information technology in the new applications in the development of engineering hydrology, enhance students' creative thinking ability in the multidisciplinary fusion.


[1] Maidment David R. Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources[M]. 2002.

[2] Ojha C S P, Berndtsson R, Bhunya P. Engineering Hydrology[M]. 2008.