—— 课程团队

In modern society, conflicts are common and frequent. Resolving contradictions has become a necessary condition for maintaining social stability and development. Under the concept of modern litigation, the settlement of social contradictions must be based on facts, and the clarification of facts must rely on evidence. The demand of society on how to use evidence to find the truth has given birth to evidence law. Evidence law is a legal norm formulated or recognized by the state on how to collect, review and judge evidence in order to determine the facts of a case. Through the accumulation of long-term legislation and judicial practice and the study of scholars, evidence law has become an independent law discipline in China, and gradually formed the Chinese model of evidence law in the world. In the future, strengthening the foreign exchange of evidence law is not only the need of the further development of evidence law in China, but also the need of the development of evidence law in the world. The lecturer of this course has long-term overseas experience in Law School of a well-known foreign university, with a doctor's degree in law, and currently actively participates in university teaching. They explain the basic concepts and theories of evidence law, evidence problems and evidence problems by English. On the one hand, it is convenient for Chinese learners to communicate with the outside world around evidence law, on the other hand, it is also convenient for foreign learners to understand Chinese evidence law.


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