spContent=《水力分析与计算》课程是在国家精品课程、国家精品资源共享课程《水力学》基础上建设的在线开放课程。通过本课程学习,您能领略水文化之妙、水生态之美,您会理解船舶“爬楼梯”过三峡大坝的原理,您会清楚三峡77个孔口泄流量的计算方法,您会明白黄河小浪底“水龙喷涌”泄洪消能的原理,您还会明白水利工程中移民数量确定的依据。欢迎您参与学习! Hydraulic Analysis and Calculation is National high-quality online open courses.Through this course, you can understand the wonders of water culture and the beauty of water ecology, the principle of ships passing through the Three Gorges Dam like "climbing stairs" and "Spewing Water Dragons" flood discharge and energy dissipation at Xiaolangdi Dam of the Yellow River, the basis to determine the number of migrants in hydraulic projects. Welcome to study this course!
—— 课程团队







The course, Hydraulic Analysis and Calculation, mainly studies the laws in balanced and moving states of fluids, and applies these laws to solve the hydraulic analysis and calculation problems in hydraulic projects. Through this course, you can analyze the commonly seen flow phenomena in the design, construction and management of hydraulic projects, and calculates the common problems such as overflow capacity, water ballast, energy dissipation and flow profile.

This course is a professional basic skill course for the high-level specialty group of the Water Conservancy and Hydropower Construction Engineering major, whose mission is to teach students to perform hydraulic analysis and calculation for common hydraulic problems in the design, construction and management of hydraulic engineering. This course takes the courses such as Advanced Mathematics and Engineering Mechanics as the leading courses, and lays the foundation for the subsequent courses such as Design of typical Hydraulic Structures. This course mainly teaches the contents such as the analysis and calculation of static load on wall surfaces of buildings, hydraulic analysis and calculation of pressurized hydraulic pipes, hydraulic analysis and calculation of channel (waterway), flood discharge capacity analysis and calculation of sluice gate and weir, energy dissipation hydraulic analysis and calculation downstream of flood discharge structures.

This course designs the online resources centering on the learners to enlighten their thoughts and inspire their minds. There are abundant video resources such as micro-courses, animation, video records and simulation, as well as the non-video resources such as practice, unit test, final examination, topic discussion, Q&A and extended reading that are ingeniously matched with the video resources, in order to enlighten the thoughts, strengthen the memory, diverge the thinking and extend the cognition. The online micro-courses are provided with pop-up questions, discussion between micro-courses and practice after micro-courses, so as to combine the teaching, learning, practice and expansion with each other.

The online micro-course, topic discussion and extended reading are organically integrated with Ideological elements to inspire the students' endogenetic learning motivation. The resources are constructed in layers according to the diversified demands of students in higher vocational education; the potential of students at different levels is developed, so that every student can learn new things. The resources such as the micro-courses are taught in both Chinese and English, in order to meet the requirements of students at home and abroad.

This course also provides the thematic interpretation and discussion on hydraulic problems in projects in connection with the completed production and scientific research projects. Therefore, this course is of great practical value to the society and enterprise personnel.

Prosperous water conservancy underpins a harmonious society. As a future water conservancy worker, one must learn skills and knowledge in the schooldays, master the professional fundamental core course "Hydraulic Analysis and Calculation", be good at analyzing rivers and seas, and be skillful in calculation, so as to benefit the society, and build more hydraulic projects for the motherland.



Use high-quality internet resources to make the students master the basic knowledge and skills in flow phenomenon analysis and hydraulic calculation, improve their abilities in hydraulic analysis and actual problem calculation in projects, and let them know the truth that the prosperous water conservancy underpins a harmonious society, so as to organically integrate the value shaping, knowledge teaching and ability training.



Have the basic knowledge of Engineering Mechanics and Advanced Mathematics


[1] 李炜主编.水力计算手册(第二版)[M].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2006

Li Wei, Hydraulic Calculation Manual (Version II) [M], Beijing: China Water & Power Press, 2006.

[2] 江苏省水利勘测设计院主编.SL 265-2016水闸设计规范[S].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2016

Jiangsu Surveying and Design Institute of Water Resources, SL 265-2016 Design Specification for Sluice [S], Beijing: China Water & Power Press, 2016

      [3] 王勤香,田静,王宇.水力分析与计算[M].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2022

Wang Qinxiang, Tian Jing, Wang Yu, Hydraulic Analysis and Calculation [M], Beijing: China Water & Power Press, 2022

[4] 罗全胜,王勤香主编.水力分析与计算[M].郑州:黄河水利出版社,2011

Luo Quansheng, Wang Qinxiang, Hydraulic Analysis and Calculation [M], Zhengzhou: The Yellow River Water Conservancy Press, 2011


For the purpose of teaching, some pictures and videos herein are referenced from the Internet . For infringement of your interests and rights, please contact us.













Question 1: Why is it necessary to participate in the MOOC learning?

Answer 1: The MOOC learning is to let you master the courses better. You can select the MOOC learning before the classroom teaching. Then you can prepare the lessons before class. You can also do the MOOC learning after class, in order to better understand the contents learned on the class.

Question 2: What should I do when I have problems during MOOC learning?

Answer 2: You can leave a message to the teacher in the MOOC Q&A area. Teachers are arranged to answer your questions in this course. 

Question 3: How long in advance will each unit test be released? How many chances are there to answer the questions? Can I still take participate in the unit test after the submission time node of the test?

Answer 3: Each unit test will be released 1-2 weeks in advance according to the learning progress. The answer time is enough. Please log-in timely to check, there are two chances to answer each unit test, and the highest score will be taken as the result. After the submission deadline, you can still answer the questions but will not be scored. Please make sure that you do not miss the time!

Question 4: What should I do if I forgot the MOOC account and password?

Answer 4: You can retrieve the password on your own phone or contact the platform administrator.

Question 5: How could I joint the MOOC class activities initiated by teachers?

Answer 5: You can find the "MOOC Class" on the WeChat applet, then join the class with the "class code" sent by the teacher; you can also joint it by the "MOOC Class" QR code sent by the teacher. In addition, you can join your own class through the "Class" at the upper right corner of the homepage of "Chinese University MOOC" APP.