spContent=国家首批一流线上课程。2022年8月起为学习强国平台所选用。2023年《技术赋能,故事激趣—管理会计慕课创新应用》被评为福建省慕课十年典型案例(特等奖),并入选高校在线开放课程联盟联席会慕课十年典型案例。作为管理会计入门课,精选管理会计决策的几个基本章节讲授。帮助初学者快速了解管理会计的基本工具精髓,提高学习兴趣,并与现实紧密联系。为后续的专业课程学习奠定基础.课程配有丰富的练习,及沙盘和实验项目,帮助学生理解和应用工具.配套专栏《人人必备的财务思维课》已启动.Awarded as a national course,the course is an introduction to management accounting. It helps the beginners to grasp the core , with its application in the business environment. It lays the foundaction for further learning. Accounting labs and the audio course ‘Financial mind that everybody should have’ are provided too.
—— 课程团队



   为了满足学习者对完整管理会计知识与应用的需求, 在MOOC之外,我还推出了一门《人人必备的财务思维课》,专栏聚焦生活场景,通过音频+图文的呈现,解释生活中无处不在的管理会计,《人人必备的财务思维课》,带你做明智的决策,梳理自己的财务分析能力。

Course Description

Management Accounting is the main course for the accounting majors, and a compulsory course for management majors as well. For the spread of knowledge of management accounting, topics covered in this course focuses on the fundamentals of management accounting, including introduction to management accounting, management accounting profession,  cost behavior analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis and variable costing. Therefore it can be used as a supplement for accounting majors in taking mandatory course of management accounting, or it can be used as the introductory course for non-accounting students. Students taking this course are supposed to have a good grasp of the fundamentals of accounting, have a basic understanding of financial accounting and the financial statements. Upon successful completion of this course, students can then proceed on to a broader learning, such as the management accounting tools for short or long term decision makings and other control method.

To satisfy the need of the students for a whole picture of management accounting, an audio course entitled ‘Financial mind that everybody should have’ is launched. Focusing on the daily scenario of the common life, the course , explains the application of various management accounting tools,  in the form of audio and graphics. The course will help you to make wise decisions and strengthen you financial abilities.



Course Goals

The course aims at developing students' skills to apply Management accounting tools in a real life scenario, which will help improve  students’ ability to identify problem, analysis and solve problem independently. From the course, students will learn what managerial accounting is, current development of the Management accounting profession, and the different tools for  costing. Besides, students are able to identify problems associated with relying too much on financial accounting information for internal decision making,  and to make decision using cost-volume-profit analysis.






Fundamental Financial Accounting is a prerequisite for this course.Students who choose this course need to have a basic understanding of financial accounting and financial statements. Upon successful completion of this course, students can then proceed on to a  broader learning ,such as the management accounting tools for short or long term decision makings and other control method.

Management accounting is all present , the  audio course entitled ‘Financial mind that everybody should have’ helps you to make wise decisions and strengthen you financial abilities.

With both courses, you will have a whole picture of management accounting and improve your application skills.


为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。


电子版认证证书支持查询验证,可通过扫描证书上的二维码进行有效性查询,或者访问 https://www.icourse163.org/verify,通过证书编号进行查询。学生可在“个人中心-证书-查看证书”页面自行下载、打印电子版认证证书。





1. 根据国家相关法律法规要求,认证证书申请时要求进行实名认证,请保证所提交的实名认证信息真实完整有效。

2. 完成实名认证并支付后,系统将自动生成并发送电子版认证证书。电子版认证证书生成后不支持退费。


教材:郭晓梅 管理会计(第5版)【M.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2019.

   郭晓梅. 高级管理会计理论与实务(第3版)【M. 大连:东北财经大学出版社,2020.


  郭晓梅. 管理会计M.北京:高等教育出版社,2021.(内含60个覆盖管理会计核心技术内容的微课

  Colin Drury , Management and Cost Accounting, 8th ed M.Cengage learning, UK, 2012

A.Bhimani, C.T.Horgren,S.M.Dartar, Madhav Rajan , Management and Cost Accounting 6th Prentice Hall , New Jersey, USA,2015



Course Resources:

Course resources are separated into two parts, basic resources and supplemental resources. Basic resources are the on line materials inherent for the course, such as module test and homework, cases, discussions etcs. Supplemental resources are those specially developed for the course, such as  accounting case lab( xmuma.accfun.com), audio,for accounting majors’ further study.



Q :  如何将管理会计应用于实际生活中?

A :  生活中的管理会计无处不在。






