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Animal Anatomy and Physiology(动物解剖生理)
spContent=This course is the first required course for students to enter the major of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, with 65 class hours in total. Students passing the examination can gain 4 credits. The contents of study mainly include the motor system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, circulatory system, et cetera. This course was rated as a school level excellent course in 2009, and as an English teaching course for overseas students in Jiangsu Province. It has two course websites in Chinese and English, 695 anatomical color pictures, 1 set of Chinese and English courseware, 55 teaching videos and 11 animations. The course has established the Animal Anatomy Museum, which at present have nearly 3000 specimens, as a training base.
—— 课程团队

These content can be divided into three parts: introduction of this curriculum, cell and tissues, anatomy and physiology of each body system including locomotor system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, immune system.

Learing style of the students is B-learning ( also called blended learning ) which includes E-learning and C-learning. E-learning. The two styles are both important. The implementation conditions of E-learning include: Wireless network covering the whole campus. stablishment of network platform. Populization of computer.The curriculum network platform which has just been mentioned is the foundation of E-learning. The students can learn in different places, such as classroom, library, domitory, etc.C-learning can be implemented in multimedia classroom, experimental room, animal herbarium, and other places.

Teacher and students can communicate through various ways, such as face to face, network course platform, QQ group, micro-message.


Through studying this course, students can skillfully recognize the shape, position and structure of various organs in normal animals. The mastery of these basic knowledge and skills can lay a foundation for the learning of the follow-up courses, such as animal pathology, veterinary clinical diagnosis and treatment technology, animal quarantine technology, animal husbandry foundation, animal surgery and obstetrics. Freshmen can get corresponding credits after studying the course and passing the assessment.

成绩 要求

In order to ensure the authority of the certificate, the platform no longer supports free electronic certificate. Currently, your course does not have a certificate, so you do not need to fill in the certificate requirements.


Not needed.


1.Gerard J.Tortora .Bryan Derrickson. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology( 12th Edition ).John Wiley&Sons,Inc. USA.2009

2. W.BRUCE CURRIE. Structure and Function of Domestic  Animals.CRC PRESS. Boca Raton London New York Washington.D.C.1995

3.  [美] Sylvia S.Mader .人体解剖生理学:[英文版]. 高等教育出版社, 2002


5. https://www.docin.com/p-791834571.html


In order to make the content of the course more vivid and deeper understanding, we use some videos and pictures from network sources in the course production. Thanks to the original individuals and organizations. If copyright issues are involved, we apologize and send an email to mengting2010@foxmail.com, which we will adjust.