spContent=医学物理学是一门实验科学,医学物理实验教学具有非常重要的地位。本课程学习物理实验的实验原理、误差理论等知识和方法,并得到实验技能的较严格训练,从而初步了解科学实验的主要过程与基本方法,为今后的学习和工作奠定良好的实验基础。 Medical Physics is an experimental science, the teachings of Medical Physics Experiment have the very important status.This course of physics experiment should train the college students how to learn experimental principle, error theory and methods of learning physics experiment gradually. Strict training of experimental skills, and a preliminary understanding of main process of scientific experiments and basic methods lay a good experimental foundation for future learning and work.
—— 课程团队





This course is a basic course and a required course for all medical majors. It is also an important channel for medical students to acquire scientific research methods, be familiar with the use of medical equipment, and cultivate rational logical thinking.

The objectives of this course are,

(1) Systematically teach the students of medicine and life the basic knowledge and basic theory of physics necessary for modern medicine, and prepare the necessary physical basis for the later professional course study and future medical health and scientific research work. We should mobilize students' autonomy, initiative and creativity in classroom teaching, and strive to make students explore and discover knowledge through their own efforts, and cultivate their comprehensive ability.

(2) Through experiments, we can cultivate students' ability of scientific experiment, train their attitude and style of scientific experiment, and make students acquire some physical experiment methods and basic skills.















[Teaching objectives]

This course is a basic course and a required course for all medical majors. It is also an important channel for medical students to acquire scientific research methods, be familiar with the use of medical equipment, and cultivate rational logical thinking. 

Course objectives of this course:

(1) Systematically teach the students of medicine and life the basic knowledge and basic theory of physics necessary for modern medicine, and prepare the necessary physical basis for the later professional course study and future medical health and scientific research work. We should mobilize students' autonomy, initiative and creativity in classroom teaching, and strive to make students explore and discover knowledge through their own efforts, and cultivate their comprehensive ability.

(2) Through experiments, we can cultivate students' ability of scientific experiment, train their attitude and style of scientific experiment, and make students acquire some physical experiment methods and basic skills.

[Teaching requirements]

1. Through the observation and analysis of experimental phenomena and the measurement of physical quantities, we can learn the knowledge of physical experiments and deepen the understanding of the principles of physics.

2. To cultivate and improve students' scientific experiment ability, including:

(1) Be able to prepare for the experiment by reading experimental materials or materials.

(2) Be able to correctly use common instruments with the help of teaching materials or instrument instructions.

(3) Be able to use physics theory to analyze and judge the experimental phenomena;

(4) Be able to correctly record and process experimental data, draw curves, explain experimental results, and write qualified experimental reports.

(5) It can complete simple experiment with design content.

3. To cultivate and improve students' scientific experimental literacy, students are required to have a scientific style of integrating theory with practice and seeking truth from facts, a serious and serious working attitude, an exploration spirit of active research, and good morality of observing discipline, unity and cooperation, and taking good care of public property.



Advanced mathematics, college physics, medical physics, etc


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物理学实验指导  王晨光主编   石继飞  盖志刚 副主编 人民卫生出版社

大学物理实验  徐建强、韩广兵    科学出版社


Q :  如何进行医学物理实验的学习?

A :  要通过看教材和慕课学习,掌握实验原理,了解实验仪器,然后书写预习报告;经过慕课测试后,然后和老师同学讨论;进入课堂后,进行实际仪器操作,进行数据处理,并和老师分析误差原因;书写实验报告,分析实验结果,并进行创新性思考。

Q: how to study medical physics experiment?

A: through reading the teaching materials and MOOCS, master the experimental principles, understand the experimental instruments, and then write the preview report. after the MOOC test, discuss with the teachers and students. after entering the classroom, carry out the actual instrument operation, data processing, and analyze the error reasons with the teacher. write the experimental report, analyze the experimental results, and carry out innovative thinking.