—— 课程团队

Diagnostics is a science to make diagnoses based on medical knowledge, theories, clinical skills, and clinical reasoning. It is a significant bridge course from basic sciences to clinical sciences.

Since the 1950s, Diagnostics in China had focused on the physical examinations of the thorax and the abdomen. In the 1970s, the Diagnostics course duration is 10 weeks with a little time spent on history taking and write-up. In 1990, West China School of Medicine/West China hospital recruited excellent doctors from all clinical departments and formed the teaching group of Clinical Diagnostics, who carried on the education reform at that time. They have been working on providing better Diagnostics education for students till now.

Currently, the learning objectives of Diagnostics are basic knowledge, theories, skills, performance, and clinical reasoning. The course duration is one year (216 teaching hours) with the contents of History Taking, Physical Examination, Laboratory Tests, Exam-by-Instrument, Write-up, and Clinical Reasoning. We have used diverse teaching methods, including the big classes and small groups teaching and discussion, the Standardized Patient (SP) and role-playing assessment, the bedside, and laboratory training. Big classes and small groups learning to ensure that the students master the essential knowledge and skills. The SP and role-playing assessment help simulate the real process of history taking, physical examination, and write-up. The bedside training offers students opportunities to transfer their knowledge and skills from theory to practice. Finally, the multi-pathway test system provided a standardized and objective evaluation of students’ performance. We have also designed an early course called "Introduction to Clinical Medicine" accompanying diagnostics to prepare students better for the following clinical courses by the early clinical encounters.

The online course will focus on the basic knowledge of Diagnostics, students will learn from medical professors and practice actual skills within daily life.

After 20 years’ exploring and striving for providing better education, Diagnostics in West China School of Medicine/West China hospital demonstrates its encouraging teaching results. In nation-wide clinical skills competitions among medical students, our students with solid theoretical foundations and proficient clinical skills, have won the prizes for several years for their distinguished performance. Numerous domestic medical schools have visited and studied here, taking us as a successful reform example in Diagnostics. Our teacher(s) have served as the editor-in-chief(s) of the national level official textbook of Diagnostics in successive years.


This course is designed for senior undergraduate medical students. The basic theory and practice skills of diagnostics are covered. The intention is that the material will provide an introductory foundation for theoretical and applied diagnostics.


The prerequisite of this course includes, but is not limited to, the knowledge of, anatomy, pathophysiology, pathology, pharmacology, and medical imaging. Those who are not familiar with this knowledge are encouraged to read related textbooks beforehand.

  1. Mark H. Swartz, MD, FACP.Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, 6th Edition.Saunders.2010

  2. UPTODATE: www.uptodate.com/online

  3. Best Practice: bestpractice.bmj.com

  4. Agile Diagnosis: https://www.agilediagnosis.com/

  5. DxR Clinician: https://www.dxrgroup.com/clinician