学校云 建设你的专属在线教育平台
—— 课程团队


       《学汉字 知中国》是一门主要针对留学生汉语言专业的本科课程,同时也适合国内非中文专业的本科生、世界各个地区的汉语学习者和相关从业人员、对汉字感兴趣的社会人士。本课程内容涵盖汉字的起源、字体发展、造字法、汉字中体现的中国社会文化,以及现代汉字的结构、读音等汉字学习的基础知识,还有汉字的改革演变和具体的学习方法等内容。



                                                                                                   An Overview of this course

        Written language is the carrier of language and civilization, so that language and civilization can be continued and carried forward. For thousands of years, Chinese characters have carried the rich connotation of Chinese culture and maintained the continuous history of the Chinese nation. Chinese characters are an important content and basis that can not be bypassed for learners to improve Chinese language skills.

        Our course, "Xue hanzi, zhi Zhongguo"(Learning Chinese characters and knowing China) is a undergraduate course mainly aimed at foreign students majored in Chinese language and culture, and it is not only fit for students from other majors, relevant practitioners, but also Chinese learners from all regions of the world as well as the public who are interested in Chinese characters. The content of this course covers the origin of Chinese characters, form development, character-making method, social culture embodied in Chinese characters, as well as the structure of modern Chinese characters, pronunciation and other basic knowledge of Chinese characters learning, the reform and evolution of Chinese characters and specific learning method.

        The characteristics of this course are as follows: 1, the course is not only a special course of language skills, but mainly based on the relevant knowledge of Chinese characters. It will develop the breadth and depth of students' knowledge, and break the bottleneck of Chinese character learning, to lay another stepping stone for the advanced Chinese learning; 2, mainly for foreign students with a certain basis of Chinese and Chinese characters. The lecture explain profound content in simple language, and try to help students to overcome the fear of learning Chinese characters. It is accompanied by bilingual subtitles both in Chinese and English, which is convenient for the understanding and absorption of knowledge.

        We try to present the past and present of Chinese characters, letting learners feel the ingenious Chinese characters, the strong self-renewal ability of Chinese characters and the temperament of keeping pace with the times, full of vitality, so as to appreciate the inherent spirit and development motive force of Chinese culture.











                                                                                    Objective of this Course

      The purpose of this course is to build a high-quality online course of Chinese character,  and provide learning resources for the advanced study of Chinese learners. The specific course objectives include:

       1.In the aspect of Chinese character related knowledge, learners can establish a more complete Chinese character knowledge.

       (1) Understanding and mastering the Historical Development of Chinese characters

       (2) Understanding the relationship between self-renewal of Chinese characters and Social Development

       (3) Mastering the method of analyzing Chinese characters from the aspects of pronunciation, meaning and form.

       (4) Mastering and forming scientific methods of learning Chinese characters by oneself

       (5) Developing the consciousness of standardizing writing and using Chinese characters

       2.In the aspect of Chinese character culture, understanding Chinese characters is the crystallization of ethical values and basic spirit of Chinese culture.

        This course analyzes the cultural characteristics of Chinese characters from the aspects of diet, clothing, travel, architecture and convention, trying to combine both interest and knowledge. It enable learners to correctly understand the motivation of the formation of Chinese characters. At the same time, the knowledge of Chinese culture is expanded through the small animation of Chinese character stories. The course also aims to eliminate the fear of learning Chinese characters, and deepen understanding of ancient/ contemporary China in all aspects. 

成绩 要求

为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。


电子版认证证书支持查询验证,可通过扫描证书上的二维码进行有效性查询,或者访问 https://www.icourse163.org/verify,通过证书编号进行查询。学生可在“个人中心-证书-查看证书”页面自行下载、打印电子版认证证书。





1. 根据国家相关法律法规要求,认证证书申请时要求进行实名认证,请保证所提交的实名认证信息真实完整有效。

2. 完成实名认证并支付后,系统将自动生成并发送电子版认证证书。电子版认证证书生成后不支持退费。




                                                      Preliminary knowledge

1. Have a language level roughly equivalent to HSK 3 or above.

2. Or master more than 600 Chinese characters, have general understanding of some basic knowledge about the historical evolution , form structure of Chinese characters.


何九盈、胡双宝、张猛 2009 《汉字文化大观》,北京:人民教育出版社

胡晓萍 2015 《汉字的结构和演变》,长春:东北大学出版社

李大遂2013 《简明实用汉字学》,北京:北京大学出版社 


李荣 2001 《文字问题》,北京:商务印书馆

林西莉著,李之义译 2008 《汉字王国》,北京:三联书店

王宁 2018 《汉字与中华文化十讲》,北京:三联书店
