—— 课程团队


The field of pathology is devoted to understanding the causes of disease and the changes in cells, tissues, and organs that are associated with disease and give rise to the presenting signs and symptoms in patients. Pathology provides the scientific foundation for the practice of medicine.

Structurally, the curriculum is taken as two modules, "general pathology" and "systemic pathology". The general pathology introduces the common or general rules in the etiology and pathogenesis of different diseases, while the systemic one focuses on the specific pathological manifestations and clinicopathological connections of diseases in different organ systems.



There are two important terms that students will encounter throughout their study of pathology and medicine:

Etiology refers to the underlying causes and modifying factors that are responsible for the initiation and progression of disease. It is now clear that many common diseases are caused by a combination of inherited genetic susceptibility and various environmental triggers. Elucidating the genetic and environmental factors underlying diseases is a major theme of modern medicine.

• Pathogenesis refers to the mechanisms of development and progression of disease, which account for the cellular and molecular changes that give rise to the specific functional and structural abnormalities that characterize any particular disease.

Thus, etiology refers to why a disease arises and pathogenesis describes how a disease develops.




Knowledge objectives            

Systematically grasp the basic theory, knowledge and skills of pathology.           

Quality objectives            

To cultivate students' integrated quality of asking, analyzing and solving problems; to establish students' scientific and rigorous learning attitude; to shape noble professional ethics.           

Competence objectives           

Applying pathological knowledge to analyze the etiology and pathogenesis of common clinical diseases; to analyze the occurrence, development, outcome and outcome of diseases, and to elaborate the clinicopathological relationship of diseases.      



The teaching method of "guiding, assisting and promoting learning" was adopted to solve the key and difficult points in the process of pathology learning. The curriculum design is not only help students master the knowledge points and reach the curriculum goal, but also help them master the basic methods and skills of autonomous learning and distance learning by means of information technology.
