Theoretical Mechanics: Statics
spContent=Theoretical mechanics is an important technical foundation course for engineering college students. It is not only the theoretical basis of each subsequent mechanics course, but also an independent subject with a complete system and continuous development, and it has a wide range of applications in many engineering and technical fields such as machinery, civil engineering and aerospace.
—— 课程团队

Theoretical mechanics is divided into three parts: statics, kinematics and dynamics. Statics studies the equilibrium conditions of an object under the action of a force system, mainly including the force analysis of the object, the equivalent replacement (or simplification) of the force system, the equilibrium conditions and applications of various force systems; kinematics Study the geometric properties of object motion, mainly including point kinematics, simple motion of rigid bodies, composite motion of points, plane motion of rigid bodies; dynamics studies the relationship between mechanical motion and force of objects, mainly including the basics of particle dynamics Equations, theorem of momentum, theorem of moment of momentum, theorem of kinetic energy, principle of virtual displacement, etc.

This course teaches the statics part. Through the study of this course, students are required to master the basic laws and research methods of particle, particle system and rigid body mechanical motion (including balance), laying a theoretical foundation for subsequent learning of related courses, and creating conditions for future learning and mastering of new science and technology ; Preliminarily learn to apply the theories and methods of theoretical mechanics to analyze and solve some simple practical engineering problems; cultivate the ability to pose, analyze, and solve problems using mechanical methods.


This course is a basic course in mechanics with a strict system and strong logic. It uses the basic concepts of mathematics and strict logical reasoning to study common problems in mechanics. On one hand, use a unified point of view to systematically and comprehensively discuss the branches of traditional mechanics; on the other hand, establish and develop new models, theories, analytical methods and numerical methods to solve problems.


Advanced Mathematics, General Physics


Theoretical Mechanics, Li Yongqiang, Northeastern University, Higher Education Press