spContent=DECA aims at helping you learn how to design & apply activities so your students can learn English more efficiently and in a more enjoyable way. With principles to guide you, example activities to inspire you, and Teacher’s Toolkit to support you, learning is sure to happen!
—— 课程团队

Welcome aboard!

Designing English Classroom Activities (DECA) is an English teacher education course, so we expect you to be interested in learning BOTH the English language AND how to teach and learn the language, to ensure an enjoyable and fruitful learning journey.  

You don't have to be an English major or an English teacher to learn this course, since we believe this course can help you become an English teacher if you are not one yet and it can help you become a better English teacher if you already are. 


DECA aims at teaching you how to design and apply classroom activities to make your class more interesting so the students can learn more efficiently and in a more enjoyable way. 


DECA lasts 8 weeks and has 8 modules:

  • Module 1: Designing pronunciation activities

  • Module 2: Designing vocabulary activities

  • Module 3: Designing grammar activities

  • Module 4: Designing discourse activities

  • Module 5: Designing listening activities

  • Module 6: Designing speaking activities

  • Module 7: Designing reading activities

  • Module 8: Designing writing activities


  1. Principles for designing English classroom activities are outlined to guide you

  2. Example activities are provided to help you discover what is possible when you design English classroom activities; 

  3. A sample lesson in each module is provided to inspire you to design and use creative and effective activities for your own class; 

  4. A TTK—Teacher’s Toolkit—with easy-to-use resources, tools and activities is created to support you;

  5. Opportunities are created for all participants to learn together to become better at designing and using English classroom activities. 

Though primarily designed for middle school and high school English teachers, all of the principles apply to lower- or higher-level English classes and most of the activities can be easily adapted for different levels and needs. 

Join the course and learn together how to design enjoyable and effective English classroom activities! 


Designing English Classroom Activities (DECA) aims at teaching you how to design and apply classroom activities so that your students can learn more efficiently and in a more enjoyable way. Specifically, throughout and by the end of the course, you will be able to analyze and evaluate English classroom activities for their relevance to teaching objectives and teaching context (students, grade level, language background, etc.); design and/or adapt English classroom teaching activities that are appropriate for achieving learning objectives and actionable in particular teaching contexts, and develop a bank of teaching activities that can be adapted and used for future teaching.


Since this course is created for English teachers (both pre-service and in-service English teachers) and taught in English as well, participants should have adedquate English proficiency to participate and learnIn general, English majors and non-English majors who have passed CET-4 and CET-6 should have no difficulty in understanding the content and complete the assignments. 




Reference books

徐泉、王婷. 2018. 英语教学技能训练教程. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.


Pronunciation activities

Martin Hewings. 2004. Pronunciation Practice Activities: A Resource Book for Teaching English Pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Martin Hewings. 2007. English Pronunciation in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ann Baker. 2009. Ship or Sheep? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Vocabulary activities

O’Dell, Felicity & Head, Katie. 2003. Games for Vocabulary Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Watcyn-Jone, Peter.2004. Vocabulary Games and Activities. Penguin.

Hadfield, Jill. 1999. Intermediate Vocabulary Games. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.


Grammar activities

Ur, Penny. 2009. Grammar Practice Activities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Scrivener, Jim. 2010. Teaching English Grammar. Macmillan Education.

Zaorob, M. L., & Chin, E. 2001. Games for grammar Practice: A Resource Book of Grammar Games and Interactive Activities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Discourse activities

Rodney H. Jones. 2018. Discourse Analysis: A Resource Book for Students. 2nd Edition. Routledge.

Brian Paltridge.  2012. Discourse Analysis: An Introduction. 2nd Edition. Continuum.

Betsy Rymes. 2015. Classroom Discourse Analysis. 2nd Edition. Routledge


Listening activities

Miles Craven. 2004. Listening Extra: A Resource Book of Multi-Level Skills Activities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jill Hadfield & Charles Hadfield. 1999. Simple Listening Activities. Oxford.


Speaking activities

Penny Ur & Andrew Wright. 1992. Five-Minute Activities: A Resource Book of Short ActivitiesCambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jill Hadfield & Charles Hadfield. 1999. Simple Speaking Activities. Oxford.

Jill Hadfield. 1999. Beginners’ Communication Games. Longman.

Mick Gammidge. 2004. Speaking Extra: A resource book of multi-level skills activities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Reading activities

Liz Driscoll. 2004. Reading Extra: A Resource Book of Multi-level Skills Activities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jill Hadfield and Charles Hadfield. 2001. Simple Reading Activities. Oxford.

Jeff Zwiers. 2010. Building Reading Comprehension Habits in Grades 6-12: A Toolkit of Classroom Activities. International Reading Association

Sara Inskeep. 2009. Complete Book of Reading and Writing Reproducibles - Grades 7-8. Lorenz Educational Press.


Writing activities

Graham Palmer. 2004. Writing Extra: A Resource Book of Multi-level Skills Activities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Jill Hadfield and Charles Hadfield. 2000. Simple writing Activities. Oxford.

For more information about DECA, follow UEL. 




1. 这门课程适合谁学?



2. 这门课程的总学时是多少?



3. 这门课的授课内容是怎样的?



4. 这门课程的考核方式是怎样的?



5. 这门课程开课前,有没有什么内容或任务是需要学习者提前准备的?



6. 如果我报名学习这门课程,我将怎样接收课程的相关通知?



7.     这门课程是否有测验或者作业?形式是什么?

有的,为确保您学有所获,课程设计了单元测验和两次作业。测验检查学习成效,作业巩固拓展所学。测验题型包括单选、多选、判断、填空,每次测验包含10道客观题,从题库中随机抽取。作业旨在促进英语课堂教学活动设计能力的提升,第一次作业是英语课堂教学活动的分析与改造(Analyze & Adapt),第二次作业是英语课堂教学活动的设计与创造((Design & Create)。单元作业与测验在课程成绩构成中各占20%


8.     这门课程中涉及的教学活动适合何种层次的学生?



9.     这门课程中涉及的教学原则与活动是否适合大班额教学?



10.  这门课程是免费看还是收费的?学习课程有限制条件吗?





1. 这门课程偏理论还是比较实用?



2.     我的疑问和诉求会在后续课程中得到反馈吗?



3. 如何了解课程学习的进度?



4.     在学习这门课程的过程中,有没有留言互动这一板块?



5. 万一在学习的过程中错过了某一些课程,可以补修吗?



6.     课程的课件及相关学习材料是否提供下载?



7.     课程有没有老师实施教学活动的真实案例?



8. 课程学习过程中,学员可以参与哪些互动的活动?



9. 课程学习过程中遇到疑惑可以通过哪些方式得到解决呢?



10.  好的内容我可以下载、保存、分享吗?




1.   课程学习结束后,我会有哪些收获?有哪些内容我能够真正应用到我的教学实践中?



2.     课程学习结束后有没有考核?有的话将以何种方式进行考核?



3. 我怎样能将学到的内容与我的教学实践结合?



4.     课程是否可以回放?



