TCM Diagnostics(I)
spContent=The ancients said: “having the ability to diagnose a disease through inspection is considered miraculous; through listening and smelling, sage; through inquiry, skilled; through pulse-taking and palpation, ingenious.” With Professor Wang Tianfang, a renowned TCM teacher and doctor as the leading lecturer, this course will teach you how to detect the physiological and pathological condition of a person through the four diagnostic methods: inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry, and palpation. Please join us in the learning journey of TCM diagnostics (I), an informative, well-illustrated and easily understandable course!
—— 课程团队

TCM Diagnostics is a discipline that studies how to diagnose and differentiate diseases and patterns under the guidance of TCM theories. The contents of the course chiefly include four parts: introduction, diagnostic methods, pattern differentiation and comprehensive application, with diagnostic methods and pattern differentiation as its focus. Diagnostic methods are the means employed to collect data or search for the symptoms and signs. They include inspection, listening and smelling, enquiry, and palpation. Together, they are called the four examinations/diagnostic methods. While there are various pattern differentiation methods, including Eight-Principle Pattern Differentiation, Pattern Differentiation based on Etiology, Pattern Differentiation according to Qi, Blood and Body Fluids, Zang-Fu Organ Pattern Differentiation, Six-channel Pattern Differentiation, Wei-Qi-Ying-Blood Pattern Differentiation, and Sanjiao Pattern Differentiation, and Sanjiao Pattern Differentiation, etc.

Through the study of this course, students are required not only to master the basic concepts and theories related to TCM diagnosis, but also to gain the ability to diagnose an illness, differentiate diseases and patterns, and write medical records. Therefore, in the designing and teaching of this course, we attach great importance to the training of basic skills so as to lay a solid foundation for your future study of related TCM clinical courses.

As an important compulsory course in the TCM curriculum system, TCM Diagnostics is usually arranged between Fundamentals of TCM and clinical courses. Thus, it serves as a bridge linking the basic theories of TCM and clinical training.

TCM Diagnostics (I) mainly focuses on the introduction and diagnostic methods of inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry and palpation. The objective is to help students understand the status and main contents of the course, as well as the rationale and basic principles for TCM diagnosis, and grasp the concept, manifestation, clinical significance and specific diagnostic methods of common TCM symptoms and signs, so as to lay a foundation for further study of pattern differentiation and clinical course.

This course is suitable not only for students majoring in TCM or western medicine, but also for all TCM lovers at home and abroad. In order to facilitate your understanding, in the designing of this course, we have also endeavored to show its connection with relevant contents and knowledge in other TCM courses, such as Fundamentals of TCM, TCM Clinical Basis, and various TCM clinical courses. In order to do that, we have invited 11 nationally renowned professors from our university to participate in the teaching and discussion of relevant knowledge points. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to those professors for their strong support, and to all the teachers and students who have helped with collecting materials and recording the course.

The experts participating in course-recording are as follows:


Professor Wang Qingguo, TCM Clinical Basis, lifelong professor at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Professor Gu Xiaohong, TCM Clinical Basis, Secretary of the Party Committee, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Professor Zhai Shuangqing, TCM Basic Theories, vice president, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Professor Chen Zhigang, Department of Encephalopathy, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Professor Jiao Yang, Respiratory Department, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Professor Zhang Hong, Department of Pediatrics, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Professor Li Haisong, Department of Andrology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Professor Liu Yanfeng, Department of Gynecology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Chief Physician Huang Qing, Department of Dermatology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Deputy Chief Physician Zhou Li, Department of Acupuncture, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Deputy Chief Physician Hu Xingang, Department of Encephalopathy, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


This course is suitable for TCM teachers, TCM college or university students of different levels, including undergraduate students and graduate students, as well as students from western medicine universities or TCM fans with certain knowledge about TCM theories. If you are a beginner who is interested in TCM, you can learn and refer to relevant TCM theoretical knowledge at the same time of learning this course.


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