spContent=《比较学前教育》是由北京师范大学李敏谊副教授主讲的、面向学前教育专业本科生及相关教育工作者开设的在线课程,旨在探讨世界多个国家及地区广义学前教育,包括幼儿教育与保育/托育(Early Childhood Education and Care)的历史进程与最新进展,包括学前教育思想的发展和变革、国家课程框架的制定与实施,以及幼小衔接、托幼整合与可持续发展等当代挑战。 ——课程团队
—— 课程团队





Comparative Early Childhood Education and Care is a compulsory course for preschool education major in Colleges and universities. This course invited senior scholars from Asia, Oceania and Europe in the field of early childhood education, and absorbed a large number of latest research results and hot topics at home and abroad. From the perspective of the historical context and latest policy development of preschool education, curriculum and teaching, and teachers' team, the course discussed in depth the social, historical and cultural development of China, Japan, Australia, Germany, Norway and other countries and regions Preschool education system under the influence of economy and politics.

The term “Early Childhood Education and Care” (ECEC) includes all arrangements providing care and education for children under compulsory school age regardless of setting (schools, centers, or carers’ homes), funding (public or private), hours (part-day, full school day, full work day), or curriculum. In this course students will learn about early childhood education and care in selected topics in a range of countries. A single nation’s educational services cannot be viewed clearly without first understanding the influence of the social, cultural, economic and political factors that have shaped the system. You will analyze political forces; local, national and international, as drivers of educational policy and reform. You will compare and contrast ideas, and ideologies that influence current provisions. Major debates like quality goals and regulations, designing and implementing curriculum and standards, improving qualifications, training and working conditions, engaging families and communities and advancing data collection, research and monitoring (OECD, 2012) will be introduced.   



Discuss key issues of comparative education and the relevant literature

Critically analyse documents and synthesize relevant literature linking theory of educational policy into practice

Contextualize and discuss curriculum frameworks, standards and assessment through comparative education in early childhood settings of both local and international contexts.

Incorporate suitable ideologies into your own practice  

You will be assessed on your development of the following program learning outcomes in this course:

Develop and apply theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to your professional practice and development in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.

Critically analyse, synthesize and reflect on educational policy and practice in both local and international contexts.

Demonstrate creativity, critical thinking and innovation when identifying and solving problems in diverse educational contexts.

Apply initiative and judgment in planning, problem solving and decision making to enhance your practice and continuing professional development.


1. Knowledge Ability 专业知识

Students with specialized knowledge or interest in ECEC


2. Language Ability 语言能力

You are required to have good English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, as:



Overall score 470 or above


Overall score 425 or above


Band 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5


Internet-based test: Overall score 80 or above

Paper-based test: An overall score of 550 or above


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  • Reference Books 参考书籍

1.Duncan, J. & Te One, S. (2013). Comparative early childhood services: International perspectives. Sydney: Palgrave: Macmillan.

2.Melhuish, E.,& Petrogiannis, K. (2006). Early childhood care and education. International perspectives. Oxon: Routledge.

3.Ritchie, C. (2013). Challenge and Change for the Early Years Workforce. Oxon: Routledge. Taguma, M. & Litjens, I. & Makowiecki, K. (2012). Quality matters in early childhood education and care: Finland. OECD. https://www.oecd.org/edu/school/49985030.pdf 

4. Tobin, J., Hsueh, Y., & Karasawa, M. (2009). Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited: China, Japan, and the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

5.Vong, K-L [Peggy]. (2008). Evolving creativity. New pedagogies for young children in China. Great Britain: Trentham Books Limited.

  • Reference Articles 参考文献

1. Barnett, W. & Nores, M. (2012). Investing in Early Childhood Education: A Global Perspective National Institute for Early Education Research (https://nieer.org/sites/nieer/files/Investing%20in%20Early%20Childhood%20Eduation%20A%20 Global%20Perspectivei.pdf . 

2. Li, H., Rao, N., & Tse, S. (2012). Adapting western pedagogies for Chinese literacy instruction: Case studies of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Singapore preschool. Early Education and Development, 23, 603-621. 

3. McMullen, M., Elicker, J., Wang, J., Erdiller, Z., Lee, S., Lin, C., & Sun, P. (2005). Comparing beliefs about appropriate practice among early childhood education professionals from the US, China, Taiwan, Korea and Turkey. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 20(4), 451-464. 

4.Van Laere, K., Peeters, J. & Vandenbroeck, M. (2012). The Education and Care Divide: the role of the early childhood workforce in 15 European countries. European Journal of Education. 47(4). Pp. 527-541.