Engineering Mechanics (《工程力学》全英文)
spContent=For some international students, students under programs in English and other interested learners, this course will provide a clear and thorough picture of both the theory and application of the principles in theoretical mechanics (statics, kinematics and kinetics) and mechanics of materials. Let's study together and know more about the importance of mechanics in engineering application.
—— 课程团队

Engineering Mechanics is a theoretical fundamental course for engineering specialties. This course is intended to provide students with a clear and thorough picture of both the theory and application of the principles in theoretical mechanics and mechanics of materials. Theoretical mechanics includes three parts: statics, kinematics and kinetics, which mainly studies the general laws of equilibrium or motion of rigid bodies. Mechanics of materials deals with the stress-strain states and strength conditions of components under tension/compression, shear, torsion, bending or combined deformation. This course will provide the necessary mechanics knowledge for the follow-up course studies in engineering specialties. After the study of this course, students are expected to be able to use the basic concepts and theories of mechanics to analyze and solve simple problems in engineering application. Another goal of this course is to effectively train students' logic thinking skills and improve their comprehensive quality.


At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

1. Perform equilibrium analysis of coplanar force systems to solve for unknown reactions in composite bodies.

2. Analyze the velocities and accelerations of a point or any point in a rigid body by composite motion of a point, theorem for projection of velocities, base point method and instantaneous center for velocities.

3. Perform the kinematic analysis of particles or rigid bodies by the principle of impulse and momentum, principle of work and kinetic energy, and D’Alembert’s principle.

4. Solve statically indeterminate problems for axially loaded members.

5. Plot internal force diagrams for a beam in bending.

6. Perform stress or strain analysis and strength check for members under combined deformation.


Advanced Mathematics (《高等数学》)


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1. Hibbeler RC. Engineering Mechanics: Statics(影印版), 12nd ed. 机械工业出版社, 2014.

2. Hibbeler RC. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics(影印版), 12nd ed. 机械工业出版社, 2014.

3. Luan Xifu, Zhang Tao and Zhao Chunxiang. Theoretical Mechanics 理论力学, 1st ed. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2007.

4. Hibbeler RC. Mechanics of Materials(影印版), 8th ed. 机械工业出版社, 2013.