Green Chemistry
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spContent=Green chemistry is an important emerging interdisciplinary, which is the scientific basis of sustainable development. Here, you can systematically learn the basic methods of green chemistry and develop your capacity of thinking, analyzing and solving problems in a scientific way.
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About this course

"Green chemistry" is one of the compulsory fundamental courses for undergraduates majored in chemistry and applied chemistry, with totally 32 credit hours. The course will be completed within one semester.

The concept of Green Chemistry has been established since 90s last century. Green Chemistry is the cross-section of traditional chemistry, biology, material, chemical engineering, environmental science and engineering, information science, etc. with definite scientific goals and societal requirements. The key focuses of green chemistry include the following two aspects: 1. The effective and economic use of resources with simultaneous reduction or elimination of pollution, that is, the development of new principles and technologies to reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous starting materials, hazardous processes, hazardous products, solvents, human health and environment; 2.The exploitation and utilization of new renewable resources, that is, the development of new principles and technologies to use renewable and recyclable resources effectively. That is to say, in this course, propositions to overcome the following challenges, the Requirement of Sustainable Development of the society; the Requirement of Better Life by human beings; the Depleting of Nonrenewable Resources; and the Deterioration of Environment Pollution, will be given simultaneously from the viewpoint of chemistry. This course will deal with the problems from the following three aspects, that is, the Greening of the starting material, the Greening of the reaction process, and the Greening of the target product. From the three aspects, it is possible to provide green chemical production, as well as to realize sustainable development. To study this course, the following courses, College Mathematics, College Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, etc. should be studied in advance. The fundamental principles and experimental skills of these pre courses are supposed to be mastered by the students. Through this course, the students will study systematically the basic concept, the basic principle, and the development of green chemistry, and then skillfully use them to analyze and solve problems in future scientific research and production practice. This course mainly teaches the set up and development of the discipline, the basic principles, the principles and methods of designing safe and effective target compounds, the application examples of designing safe and effective target compounds, the methods of green chemistry, the application examples of green chemistry, the development trend of green chemistry, and so on.

The above purpose of this course will be achieved through classroom teaching, exercise class, theme lectures, class discussions, problem sets, self-study and students' independent essay writing.


1. Through this course, students can systematically and comprehensively learn the basic concepts, principles, research ideas and methods of green chemistry, and apply these rules to analyze and solve problems in future scientific research and production practice.

2. Learn to think about problems from the perspective of the collaborative and sustainable development of the environment and human beings, develop scientific thinking habits, and improve the ability to analyze and solve problems, so as to competent in scientific research, teaching and other work in chemistry and related fields.


"University mathematics", "university physics", "inorganic chemistry", "analytical chemistry", "organic chemistry", etc.




Main References

1. Green Chemistry, Theory and Practice, Anastas P T, Oxford University Press, 1998

2. Green Chemistry, Frontiers in Benign Chemical Synthesis and Processes, Anastas P T, Williamson T COxford University Press1998

3. Green Chemistry, Designing Chemistry for the Environment, Anastas P T, Williamson T C, ACS Symposium series 626, Washinton D C, American Chemical Society, 1996

4. 《绿色化学导论》,仲崇立编著,北京,化学工业出版社,2000

5. 《绿色化学与化工》, 闵恩泽,吴巍编著, 北京,化学工业出版社,2000

6. 《绿色化学工艺》,朱宪编著,北京,化学工业出版社,2001

7. Green Process Engineering, From Concepts to Industrial Applications, Martine Poux, Patrick Cognet, Christophe Gourdon, CRC Press, 2015