Concise Solid State Physics
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spContent=The content of this course is concise, clear and fluent. Students majoring in materials, electronics, physics, chemistry and other related majors can learn this course before going deep into solid theory, eliminating the fear of difficulties in solid state physics.
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About this course

Solid state physics is a very important basic theory course for physics, materials, electronics, chemistry and other majors. The concept of the course is very abstract and mathematical derivation is complex, which is considered to be one of the most difficult courses for these majors. This course mainly includs crystal structure, lattice vibration, free electron theory and energy band theory, focusing on the combing of logical framework and the description of physical images, with simple and concise content, clear and smooth explanation. This course has low requirements for students' basic knowledge and relatively short class hours. Students majoring in materials, electronics, physics, chemistry and other related majors can learn this course before going deep into solid theory and carrying out relevant scientific research.


References include, but are not limited to: 

Zhou Lingyun, quantum mechanics foundation of solid state physics

Wu Daiming, Fundamentals of solid state physics

Kittle. Introduction to solid state physics

Chen Changle. Solid state physics

Fei Weidong. Solid state physics

Garcia et al. Physics for computer science students 

Some pictures and materials of this course come from the Internet or are inspired by relevant contents. Thanks to the material provider!