考虑到部分学习者的实际需要,本课程还补充了3个“Study Resources"单元,包括(1)和(2)如何准备留学书文;(3)如何撰写毕业论文的英文摘要。
为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。
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1. 根据国家相关法律法规要求,认证证书申请时要求进行实名认证,请保证所提交的实名认证信息真实完整有效。
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本课程配套教材:李慧辉, 刘晶. 大学英文写作.:高等教育出版社,2016年.
1.Anson, C. M. and R. A. Schwegler. (2000). The Longman handbook for writers and readers. 2nd ed. New York: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc.
2.Kanar, C. C. (2011). The College writer. 5th ed. Beijing University Press.
3.Langan, J. (2007). College writing skills with readings. 6th ed. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
4. Li, H. (2016). College English writing. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
5.Li, L. (2009). A Handbook for writing English academic paper and admissions essay. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.
6.Zheng, C. (2008). Write to learn. Beijing: Science Publishers.
FAQ (常见问题)
Will I have to pay for the course?
No. You can take the course for free. You don’t have to pay for it unless you want to receive the NUDT Certificate of Course Accomplishment when you successfullly complete the course.
Will I get a Certificate of Accomplishment after completing this course?
Yes. Anyone who successfully completes the course will receive the NUDT Certificate of Course Accomplishment signed by the instructor. The certification will be issued for two forms: the electronic and the hardcopy. The former will be free, whereas the latter will charge 100 renmibi for the prime cost.
Will I get feedback on my written work?
Yes. There are peer evaluations of your work that are the basis of the course grade. In addition, your final examination essay will be graded by our teaching staff members, and you will receive comments and suggestions for further studies.
Will this course provide instruction on grammar?
No, not really. Although grammar is important and resources on grammar will be provided, this course is focused primarily on how to write essays. We will focus at times on sentence-level aspects of writing thesis statements and topic sentences, but our primary interest is in communicating your ideas effectively to readers.
Will the course be especially difficult if a student is not very proficient in the English language?
Yes, perhaps. Students who take the course should have basic proficiency of the English language, because our work will involve discussions about how native speakers use English, and what different expectations they have for college writing. However, our course will have experts on English as a Second/Foreign Language to provide resources, model feedback practices, facilitate productive conversations, and provide instruction at times.
Will this course be geared primarily to courses of scientific and technical writing in English?
No, not really. This course will help you with academic writing for all disciplines but in a more general sense. We have experts working with the course who have doctorates or long years of teaching experience across literature, social sciences, humanities, and, honestly, we will not be able to address specific conventions in diverse disciplines of science and engineering. We will ask you to reflect on how you can transfer the writing knowledge you gain in this course to other writing experiences you might have in scientific research or technical communication.