Calculus II
spContent=源自欧美教学风格,采用原版经典英文教材《Thomas' Calculus》(第12版),全英文授课方式,给学习者带来不一样的微积分学习体验,有兴趣的同学来挑战吧!Welcome!
—— 课程团队



      本课程系统地介绍了微积分的基础知识和基本方法,分为Calculus ICalculus II两个部分。Calculus I主要包含一元函数的极限理论,一元函数微分学和积分学,常微分方程;Calculus II主要包含多元函数微分学与积分学,向量场积分以及无穷级数理论。


By the end of this course students will be able to:

·       apply calculus to parametric functions and vector-valued functions;

·       understand the inner and cross products of vectors, and apply them to lines and planes in space;

·       introduce the polar coordinates and the related equations;

·       calculate partial derivatives, total differential and high-order partial derivatives of multivariable functions;

·       find the derivative of implicit functions;

·       explain the concepts of directional derivative and gradient and calculate them in two and three dimensions;

·       apply partial derivatives to find the tangent plane and normal line of a surface;

·       locate extreme values of a multivariable function, both unconstrained and under given conditions, and apply the Lagrange multiplier method;

·       describe the meaning of double integrals (Cartesian coordinates and Polar coordinates) and evaluate them; similarly for triple integral (Cartesian coordinates, Polar coordinates and Spherical coordinates);

·       evaluate open and closed line integrals of vector functions, aware that the results depends on the path in general;

·       deetermine whether a line integral is independent of path;

·       apply Green’s theorem to integrals in the plane;

·       express given surfaces in an appropriate form and evaluate surface integrals over both open and closed surfaces;

·       apply the theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes to line, surface and volume integrals and explain their significance in engineering;

·       explain what is meant by conservative, irrotational and solenoidal fields and explain their physical meaning

·       state what is meant by a sequence and series, find limits of sequence;

·       apply criteria for convergence of series with terms of the same sign or alternating sign; distinguish between absolute convergence and conditional convergence;

·       establish conditions for convergence of power series, other functional series and Taylor series;

·       derive Maclaurin expansions of elementary transcedental functions such as sin(x) and cos(x);

·       apply direct and indirect expansion methods of some simple functions to applications of power series in approximate calculations.


Calculus I


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《Thomas' Calculus》, G. B. Thomas, M. D. Weir and J. R. Hass, 12th edition, Pearson's company, 2010: