spContent=“LInear Algebra” is a very important undergraduate mathematical course.As Rene Descartes said "all problems can be transformed into mathematical problems, all mathematical problems can be transformed into algebraic problems, and all algebraic problems can be transformed into equations." Therefore, once the equation problem has been solved, all problems will be solved! Nowadays there are many problems in Big data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud calculation etc. concerning the fundamental matrix theory and systems of linear equations. These all fudamental theorems will be learned in our course. So let's enjoy this fantastic mathematical course---Linear Algebra together.
—— 课程团队

Linear algebra is an important component of undergraduate mathematics. The course content covers fundamental concepts of linear algebra such as solving linear system of equations, vector/matrix algebraic theory, determinant and its properties, vector space, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues, eigenvectors and applications to linear differential equations, Least squares and projections. With its strong logic, abstract feature and wide applications, linear algebra mainly discusses the linear theory and method of the finite-dimensional linear space. With the fast development of science and technology, there are many problems in Big data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud calculation etc. concerning the fundamental matrix theory and systems of linear equations.

The famous French mathematician called Rene Descartes said “all problems can be transformed into mathematical problems, and all mathematical problems can be transformed into algebraic problems, and all algebraic problems can be transformed into equations .” Therefore, once the equation problem has been solved, all problems will be solved!

Furthermore, elementary linear algebra is a valuable introduction to mathematical abstraction and logical reasoning because the theoretical development is

 self-contained, consistent, and accessible to most students.

Thus, After learning this course, you will master not only matrix theory and systems of linear equations, vector space, eigenvalue etc., but also have the ability of matrix operation, matrix methods to solve some practical problems. We hope this course will help you to build the essential mathematics for the study of follow-up courses and other academic subjects, the further broadening of mathematical knowledge and the improvement of mathematical attainment.

Dear students, the main objective of this course is to develop students’ abstract thinking and to train the students’ practical ability.


After learning this course, you will master not only matrix theory and systems of linear equations, vector space, eigenvalue etc., but also have the ability of matrix operation, matrix methods to solve some practical problems. We hope this course will help you to build the essential mathematics for the study of follow-up courses and other academic subjects, the further broadening of mathematical knowledge and the improvement of mathematical attainment.


Caculus 1 and Primary Mathematics


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Textbook: Steven J. Leon, Linear Algebra with Applications (Ninth Edition), China Machine Press, 2012


(1)Elementary Linear Algebra, 7th Edition, Larson. Gilbert Strang,

(2) Introduction to Linear Algebra, 3th edition, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 2003.

(3) Student Guide to Linear Algebra with Applications, ISBN 0-13-600930-1.

(4) A special Web site to accompany the 8th edition: www.pearsonhighered.com/leon

(5) The collection of software tools (M-files) downloaded from the ATLAST Web site:



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--- scan your answer and send it to the site.

How can I get the point of the test?

--- You have to correct the test of the other students.  This is a mutual evaluation rule.Then you will get it.