spContent=Looking back the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has freed its mind, created miracles, and has been exploring a new path to develop its modern financial system with Chinese characteristics. This course includes reviewing and teaching the modern financial system, combining it with the unique Chinese characteristics and institutional background. Using the history of the development and reform of China's finance and economy as the time chain, it shows the development of China's financial system in each section. This course is believed to be beneficial to students, financial practitioners, or anyone who is interested in China's financial system including those from overseas. Please enjoy.
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  • Why this course?

This course could help you getting a quick but comprehensive knowledge on China's financial system development in the past 40 years, which is beneficial for you to better understand lots of rules in China's financial market and to guide your investment in China.


  • Topics of this course

This course covers almost all important financial aspects in China including financial institutions, financial markets, fin-tech, inclusive finance, green finance, financial regulation and financial macro-control.


  • What you can get from this course?
  1. Have a comprehensive knowledge on China's financial system.
  2. Get some understanding of the logic of Chinese government policy making.
  3. Help you optimize your investment in China based on China's national realities.

  • Features and Highlights
  1. Illustrate from both time dimension and space dimension.
  2. Refine and show content and background of lots of China's financial policy.
  3. Young and diverse teachers in course team.

The purpose of this course is to systematically explain and introduce the basic outline of China's modern financial system to learners. It helps the learners to understand the development, reform and innovation process of China's modern financial system in a multi-dimensional and systematic way, so that they can better interpret the characteristics and rules of the socialist financial system with Chinese characteristics. With a grasp of the future development of China's financial system and economic society, the learners will be ready to participate into it.

  • Have knowledge of basic principles of economy and finance.
  • Have some knowledge on China's history.

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