spContent=Inorganic chemistry experiment of Dalian University of Technology is the first batch of National Excellent Course and the first batch of National Resource-Sharing Courses. It is unique in terms of virtual simulation experiment and digital resource construction. Rich digital resources such as inorganic chemistry experiment exercise library and inorganic chemistry virtual experiments will make the learning of inorganic chemistry experiment easier, more vivid and more interesting! Willing to work with you to appreciate the charm of inorganic chemistry experiments!
—— 课程团队

Inorganic chemistry experiment is the first chemical experiment course of chemical engineering, chemistry, material science and other majors in Dalian University of Technology ("double first-class", "985"), and it is the compulsory basic course for undergraduate students of chemistry, chemical engineering and related majors in colleges and universities. The course content includes three levels: basic experiments, comprehensive experiments and innovative experiments. The basic experiments combine experiments with the flexible application of theoretical knowledge and develop the innovation on the basis of mastering basic experimental skills, so the students can understand the theoretical knowledge in practical application . The comprehensive experiments reflect the general rules in the process of scientific research, including preparation, characterization and application. The innovative experiments will introduce the scientific frontier to broaden students' thinking mode and enrich their scientific knowledge. This course has distinct levels and different focuses. The combination of the course content and the flexible use of theoretical knowledge enable the students to innovate and explore on the basis of mastering the basic experimental skills, so that they can know the scientific frontiers in basic chemical experiments.

This course provides learner with rich resources of high quality. The advance learning of this course can promote students’ better inquiry learning. In addition, the reference materials of this course also include some develop contents and scientific research achievements related to experiments, which can broaden students' thinking mode and scientific vision. In particular, this course not only provides virtual experiment videos of all experimental projects, but also provides virtual experiments of some cutting-edge experimental projects. All these can broaden the vision of scientific research, increase the interest in learning and improve the quality of learning. 


  1. To understand the basic theories and concepts of inorganic chemistry, master the important elements of common elements and the typical properties of compounds, and be familiar with the general preparation methods of some inorganic substances in the laboratory.

  2. To correctly master the basic operation methods and skills of inorganic chemistry experiment, and to lay a solid foundation for learning other experimental courses in the future.

  3. To cultivate the ability of independent experiments, careful observation and recording of experimental phenomena, as well as the ability of processing  experimental data and writing experimental reports.

  4. To gradually cultivate the scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts and good experimental habits in the experiment.



Before the experiment, self-study the principle and basic operation, complete the test and experiment schematic design

(1) To understand the experimental principle, experimental content and the use of related instruments.

(2) To master the basic operation methods and skills of related element properties and inorganic chemistry experiments.

(3) Literature research, theory study, experiment research and experimental scheme design.


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1.    Changgong Meng, etc., Experiment for Fundamental Chemistry(Third edition),  Higher Education Press,China, 2019;

2.    Xiaochun Wu, etc., Inorganic Chemistry Experiment, The Science Publishing Company,China, 2010;

3.    Guoxiu Tong, etc., Inorganic Chemistry Experiment, The Science Publishing Company,China, 2019.