spContent="材料与家具"系列课程由北京林业大学的多学科多院系的六位教师共同开设,教学团队中不但有资深教授、北京市教学名师,也有深受学生喜爱的中青年教师。为学生系统介绍各种家具材料的基础知识及相关应用实践。 本课程既可作为家具专业学生的基础课、先修课,也可作为非家具专业学生的通识课、公选课。课程教学元素丰富多样,通过基础知识讲授、案例剖析、现场教学、企业访谈、标准介绍,阐述材料与家具产品之间的内在联系,旨在为在校大学生和社会学习者提供优质的数字学习资源。 本课程的所有教学视频(包括现场教学部分)均配有中英文字幕,方便学生学习。 本课程为北京市精品在线开放课程。2019年在国家林草局和中国林业教育学会主办的全国生态文明信息化教学成果遴选中获评A类奖。本课程为第二批国家级一流线上课程。
—— 课程团队


Materials are the foundation of furnitures. Systematically knowing materials of furniture is not only beneficial to the professionals (such as designers and manufacturers), but also to everyone who uses furniture.


This course mainly introduces the varieties and basic properties of furniture materials, as well as the commonly used quality evaluation indexes and methods. This course can be used not only as a basic prerequisite course for furniture majors, but also as a general education course and public elective course for non furniture majors. Its content is easy to understand and mainly focuses on science popularization, core knowledge and the material application practice.


Through the study of this course, students of related majors will gain some knowledge in the construction of furniture material system, and build a solid foundation for working in furniture industry. Others, including social learners, will also learn more about materials and furniture, and have a more thorough understanding of the comprehensive performance of furniture products.


This course focuses on the combination of teaching and practice. Throughout the teaching process of on-site teaching and enterprise interviews, learners will understand the application of materials in furniture practice. Standards on material properties and furniture are embedded in the courseware. By scanning the QR codes, learners can expand their study after class.



Through the study of this course, students can understand the varieties of commonly used furniture and its basic properties master the quality evaluation indexes and methods of important furniture materials.


Students of related majors will gain some knowledge in the construction of furniture material system, and build a solid foundation for working in furniture industry. Others, including social learners, will also learn more about materials and furniture, and have a more thorough understanding of the comprehensive performance of furniture products.



No professional background is required.


主要参考书:张求慧 主编,《家具材料学》(第2版),北京:中国林业出版社,2018年5月第2版,2021年8月第2次印刷

参考书:(1)刘一星 赵广杰 主编,《木材学》(第2版),北京:中国林业出版社,2012.12

              (2)王世襄 主编,《明式家具研究》,北京:三联书店,2001.

             (3)David Reeves, A Guide to Furniture Materials - An Introduction to Using Wood, Metals, Stone, Glass. Lightning Source UK Ltd. 2011.


Q1 : 请问如何开展课程学习?    

How to carry out the course learning?

A : (1) MOOC课程为完全线上课程,要求学习者观看教学视频、完成单元测验、单元作业、参加讨论和完成期末考试等教学环节。

MOOC course is a complete online course, requiring learners to watch teaching videos, complete in unit tests, unit assignments, participate in discussions and complete the final exam.


The important information of the course will be published in the form of announcement and sent to the email of the student registration. Please check the relevant information in time and complete the learning tasks according to the requirements of the course.


During the course of study, students should only use one account to facilitate the smooth completion of the course, as well as the management of the course team, statistics of students' learning conditions, performance evaluation, certificate issuance and other services.

Q2 : 课程授课对象包括哪些人群?

Who are the participants of the course?


Any learner interested in furniture materials.