spContent=教学数字化,让华文学习更有趣、更有效!(Digital teaching makes Chinese learning more interesting and effective. )
—— 课程团队


        本课程适合对象: 海内外华文教师,对外汉语教师,汉语教学志愿者,汉语国际教育本科生和研究生,中小学语文教师和教育技术等相关专业的教师、学生和研究人员。

Course Description

This practical course shares with you the digital methods and techniques of Chinese teaching, including annotation of Chinese pinyin, stroke order animation of Chinese characters, pictorial Chinese characters, illustrating the meaning of words in diagram, design of teaching material, design of Chinese teaching courseware and making of vivid human-computer interaction. At the same time, we also focus on digital Chinese Textbooks in the Cloud, automatic evaluation under the background of big data, APPs, application of new theories, new medias and new technologies in Chinese teaching. The course is not limited to theoretical knowledge, but combines the actual requirements of Chinese language teaching with digital technology, so as to make students master practical skills, especially the way of thinking of digital teaching.

This course is suitable for: Chinese teachers at home and abroad, Chinese teachers for foreigners, volunteers of Chinese teaching, undergraduates and postgraduates of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, Chinese teachers of primary and secondary school, teachers, students and researchers of educational technology and other related majors.


本课程力求把华文教学实际需求与数字化技术有机结合,让学生活学活用,特别是运用数字化汉语教学的思维方式。(This course aims to combine the actual requirements of Chinese language teaching with digital technology, so as to make students master practical skills, especially the way of thinking of digital teaching.


计算机基础知识和汉语知识。( Basic computer knowledge and Chinese Language knowledge.


为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。


电子版认证证书支持查询验证,可通过扫描证书上的二维码进行有效性查询,或者访问 http://www.icourse163.org/verify,通过证书编号进行查询。学生可在“个人中心-证书-查看证书”页面自行下载、打印电子版认证证书。





1. 根据国家相关法律法规要求,认证证书申请时要求进行实名认证,请保证所提交的实名认证信息真实完整有效。

2. 完成实名认证并支付后,系统将自动生成并发送电子版认证证书。电子版认证证书生成后不支持退费。


《华文教育技术与实践》,熊玉珍编著,暨南大学出版社出版。(Educational Technology and Practice of Chinese Language, Edited by Xiong Yuzhen, published by Jinan University Press.

  1. 如何进行课程考核?

    平时成绩40%(单元测验15%、单元作业20%,课堂讨论5%),期末考试占60%。期末考试为开卷形式(按要求进行华文教学资源的设计)。课程讨论:在课堂交流区内回复主题帖,按回复次数计分,回复3次满分,评论不计分,其他讨论区不计分。(Homework and experiments account for 40%, and the final exam accounts for 60%. The final exam will be an open-book exam. (To design Chinese teaching resources as required.

 2. 有参考教材吗?

    《华文教育技术与实践》,熊玉珍编著,暨南大学出版社出版。(Educational Technology and Practice of Chinese Language, Edited by Xiong Yuzhen, published by Jinan University Press.