—— 课程团队




    China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) was founded in 1936, which is one of the “211 project” key universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China and a national "double first-class" construction university. It is a pharmaceutical talent incubation base with a long history and high reputation in China. Organic chemistry is not only an important basic course of pharmacy and related majors, but also a bridge connecting chemistry and biology. In a sense, to learn this course well is to have the key to the palace of pharmacy.

    This course mainly includes sixteen chapters: introduction, alkanes / cycloalkanes, elementary stereochemistry, alkenes, alkynes / dienes, aromatic hydrocarbons, halocarbons, alkenols / phenols / ethers, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and substituted carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid derivatives, reactions of carbanion, organic nitrogen compounds, heterocyclic compounds, sugars, terpenes and steroids. According to the characteristics of pharmacy and related majors, the teaching contents have different emphases.  In these chapters, eight intensive topics are added: stereochemistry, isomerism / aromaticity, substituent effect / selectivity of organic reactions, nomenclature of organic compounds, structure inference, reaction mechanism, organic synthesis (I) and organic synthesis (II). The "nomenclature of organic compounds" is a special summary based on the "Principles for Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 2017" published by the Chinese Chemical Society, which is very helpful for the study of the new principles of nomenclature. After learning the basic knowledge of organic chemistry, beginners often encounter difficulties in analyzing practical problems. Therefore, the course presents the video of the exercise class to help learners gradually master the thinking mode of organic chemistry.

    While explaining the basic knowledge, the course focuses on creating an autonomous learning environment, and provides high-quality Q & A and personalized guidance throughout the course cycle. Students can also participate in the enlightening "medicinal flavor" discussion, experience the thinking training of analyzing and solving problems, and strengthen the ability of communication and expression. There is an interview column for famous teachers and experts, the insights of scholars and business people will be shared with you. Get ready to sweat! The course team wishes you would learning well, be clear-sighted and thoughtful.


1. 课程的目的和任务


2. 课程的基本内容和要求

    (1) 掌握各类化合物的命名、物理性质和制备方法。

    (2) 掌握各类化合物的结构、典型反应和反应性。

    (3) 掌握几类典型反应机理和各种异构现象。

    (4) 熟悉几类重要反应中的立体化学和取代基效应。

    (5) 对于开拓知识面的内容作一般性的了解。

3. 学分:5

4. 学时:85

5. 性质:必修课 

1. General aims

    Organic chemistry is an important branch of chemistry, focusing on the structure, properties and reactions of organic compounds. Organic chemistry is also an important basic course in higher pharmaceutical education. This course enables students to grasp some basic knowledge, theories and reactions of organic chemistry, have a better understanding of some important mechanism of organic reaction, and understand the development status of organic chemistry and its relationship with pharmacy through various teaching links such as video teaching, online Q & A and exercise.

2. Contents and learning outcomes

    (1) Master naming, physical properties and synthesis of various types of organic compounds.

    (2) Master structures, typical reactions of various types of organic compounds.

    (3) Master some classic and important organic reaction mechanisms.

    (4) Know the stereo chemistry of some typical reactions.

    (5) Understand some advance topics of organic chemistry.

3. Credits: 5

4. Class hours: 85

5. Character:Compulsory class



  1. 陆涛主编,《有机化学》,第9版,人民卫生出版社,2022年;

  2. 王积涛主编,《有机化学》,第3版,南开大学出版社,2009年;

  3. 胡宏纹主编,《有机化学》上下册,第4版,高等教育出版社,2013年;

  4. 陆涛主编,《有机化学学习指导与习题集》,第5版,人民卫生出版社,2023年;

  5. 芦金荣主编,《有机化学复习指南与习题精选》,第2版,化学工业出版社,2020年;

  6. 汪波、彭爱云、黄志纾主编,《基础有机化学》,高等教育出版社,2019年;

  7. 李小瑞主编,《有机化学》,第2版,化学工业出版社,2018年;

  8. [美] K.彼得·C. 福尔哈特,尼尔·E.肖尔著,戴立信等译,《有机化学结构与功能》,原著第8版,化学工业出版社,2020年.


Q :  还有哪些在线课程资源值得推荐?

A :   (1)清华大学李艳梅有机化学(http://list.youku.com/albumlist/show/id_16099033.html



Q :  在哪里能看到《有机化学命名原则2017》这本书?

A :  这本书由科学出版社于2018年1月出版,纸质书籍可以在图书零售机构购买,另外中国化学会官网还提供在线阅读的渠道(http://www.chemsoc.org.cn/library/copy/24.html

Q :  通过什么途径来了解IUPAC的有机化合物命名体系?

A :  可以阅读IUPAC官网内的Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry <Blue book>(http://iupac.org/what-we-do/books/bluebook/

Q :  如何方便地查找化合物的IUPAC名?

A :  (1)可登录PubChem数据库(http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/),检索到该化合物后在“Names and Identifiers”项下即可查看到IUPAC名。

(2)Marvin:免费。在线工具Marvin JS可以标记手性碳构型(http://marvinjs-demo.chemaxon.com/latest/index.html);离线软件可给出IUPAC命名,下载链接 http://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure


Q :  有什么学习立体化学的工具可以推荐?

A :  molview:免费在线工具,可绘制分子结构并生成其优势构象,并在3D视窗内多角度浏览,适合学习立体化学(http://molview.org/