spContent=Industry system (IS) links humanity to the environment thus is taken as the research object of Industrial Ecology (IE) and used to explores the theory and practice for its eco-evolution, to ensure the harmony between human and nature 产业是连结人类与环境的纽带。 以产业系统为研究对象,探求产业系统生态进化的基本方法和实践模式, 谋求人与自然和谐共生。 To facilitate learning, the supporting Chinese textbooks have been published by China Environment Publishing Group in October 2022. 为便于学习,课程配套用中文教材已由中国环境出版集团于2022年10月出版。
—— 课程团队

      The course of IE aims at cultivating innovative talents. It combines with the task of "double first-class" discipline construction, adopts inquiry and discussion teaching methods, and focus on industrial ecological evolution to develop the source method of environmental management. The main contents are settled as follows: the role of industry in the relationship between human beings and the environment, the fundamental theory and main methodology of IE, the ecological management of industrial systems and some practices, etc. It exhibits all the processes of a research from scientific key question proposal to theoretical analysis and management practice, and thus it integrates teaching, learning, research and application together. Meanwhile, for each lecture, it also follows the scientific way of a research from a topic proposal to its theory research then to its application, finally to the class discussion and student research exchanges. All the above will effectively broaden students' international vision and improve their scientific research ability.


    This course is taught in English with both English and Chinese captions. It can be open to domestic and international students majoring in environmental science and engineering, economic management.suits for scientific research institutes and institutions of higher education.




The Chinese version of class PPT has been launched this semester, hoping that it will be easier for domestic students to understand



   Let students be familiar with the basic concepts, fundamental principles and methods for industry ecological evolution.


   Let students can apply the knowledge of industry ecology to address environmental issues, to make eco-industrial system planning, to re-design products, service, consumption pattern and life style.


   To cultivate students' scientific research ability and improve their innovative awareness so that the participants can use the comprehensive knowledge of IE to solve real problems. To promote international exchange. All the above will serve for the internationalization of disciplines and double First-class Construction.




  The participants are suggested to have basic knowledge of mathematics and physics, and good English communication skills.



为积极响应国家低碳环保政策, 2021年秋季学期开始,中国大学MOOC平台将取消纸质版的认证证书,仅提供电子版的认证证书服务,证书申请方式和流程不变。


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1. 根据国家相关法律法规要求,认证证书申请时要求进行实名认证,请保证所提交的实名认证信息真实完整有效。

2. 完成实名认证并支付后,系统将自动生成并发送电子版认证证书。电子版认证证书生成后不支持退费。


 1. Textbook 教材:

 Mao J.S., Li C.H., Pei Y.S., Xu L.Y. Industrial Ecology China Environment Publishing Group.2022  (In Chinese) 

 T.E. Graedel and B.R. Allenby, Industrial Ecology, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2003


 2. Recommended references 参考文献:

 Mao J.S., Li C.H., Pei Y.S., Xu L.Y. Circular Economy and Sustainable Development Enterprises. Springer. 2018.

 Yang Z.F. Planning of industry system. Eco-cities: A planning guide. Chapter 4.(Mao J.S., Planning of industry system); Chapter 11(Mao J.S, Eco-city Baotou Plan.) CRC press. 2012.

 Yang Z.F., Xu L.Y., Mao J. S. Urban Ecological Security Assessment and Regulation. Science Ppress. 2013.

 Mao J.S. Anthropogenic Flow of Lead. Science Press. 2016.

 T.E. Graedel, B.R.Allenby, Industrial Ecology, 1995.

 T.E. Graedel, B.R.Allenby, Industrial Ecology and the Automobile, 1998.

 B.R.Allenby, Industrial Ecology, Policy Framework and Implementation, 1999.

 T.E.Graedel, J.A. Howard-Grenville. Greening the Industrial Facility, Springer, 2005.


3. Recommended journals and websites 推荐刊物及网站:

Ecological economics, http://www.journals.elsevier.com/ecological-economics

Journal of industrial ecology, http://www.is4ie.org/jie

Resource conservation & recycling, http://www.journals.elsevier.com/resources-conservation-and-recycling

Journal of cleaner production. http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal of cleaner production